Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Tree Planting Celebration this Friday 25th March @ Ponderosa

Peace Tree for The Ponderosa

A new ‘Peace Tree’ will be planted on The Ponderosa to celebrate Peace in the Park and launch preparations for the 2011 festival. The community tree planting will take place at 1pm on Friday 25th March at the Bellefield Street entrance of The Ponderosa.

Peace in the Park is Sheffield’s largest free community music & arts festival. The festival promotes peace and understanding by bringing together communities through artistic, musical and vocal expression. This year’s festival takes place on Saturday 4th June at The Ponderosa.

“The new Peace Tree is a Weeping Beech. This tree is a symbol of the festival because there is one at the Hunters Bar entrance to Endcliffe Park where the festival was held for many years. Now The Ponderosa has become the new home of Peace in the Park which has been held there for 4 years and the Peace Tree will be a beautiful way to celebrate this.” said a spokesperson for the festival.

Volunteers involved in organising Peace in the Park contacted Trees & Woodlands at Sheffield City Council who have been planting trees across the city to help renew Sheffield’s urban forest.

“I was delighted to hear from Peace in the Park. It is a fantastic festival and planting a tree on The Ponderosa is a great way to celebrate their achievement. A Weeping Beech will grow for over 200 hundred years and will contribute to our work to renew Sheffield’s urban forests.” said Ed Thatcher, Community Forester.

Anyone interested in getting involved at Peace in the Park should visit or email

Notes to Editor.

For further information contact Gareth Roberts

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