An Anti-Capitalist, Non-Hierachical, Liberated Space in Sheffield. Contact us on
‘THE REALLY FREE SCHOOL’ Sat. 15th Oct. 2011
Our next Free School event will be all day Sat. 15th October 2011, followed by evening entertainment.
Venue: CADS (Creative Arts Development Space) 7 Smithfield, Shalesmoor, St. Vincents Quarter, Sheffield S3 7AR. (It’s in the West Bar area of Sheffield, about 5 minutes from the city centre). A full line-up of activities is now being sorted out. If you would like to apply to offer a workshop or other activity please CONTACT US BY EMAIL: and activities line-up
Learn your workplace rights
Grow your own food
Film screenings
Bicycle games
Kid-friendly activities
Recycled art & puppetry
History of social centres
Bicycle maintenance
Hunt Sabbing
Fighting the cuts
Vegan food available
Post Free School Social in the evening
You might have noticed that our everyday lives involve being bombarded from all angles by people whose primary desire in life is to make money. This can have one or two downsides: the creation of a culture in which happiness and well-being are measured in pounds and pence, the systematic sacrifice of planet earth in the name of business, and the life of a person coming to be quantified in terms of their financial worth instead of their intrinsic value as a thinking, breathing human being.
On 15th October 2011, people in Sheffield will be coming together to resist the tide of consumer capitalism, exploitation and crisis, creating a space for the free sharing of skills, ideas and knowledge. Come along to the Sheffield free school – maybe even to share a skill of your own.
The free school is being organised by members of the Sheffield Social Centre project, which aims to establish a permanent space for non-hierarchical, anti-capitalist and non-discriminatory activity in Sheffield.Plans for a permanent Sheffield Social Centre
Sheffield Social Centre group is currently in the process of registering as a co-operative and joining the Radical Routes network. Following this it will be seeking funding and premises for a permanent space in the city, run on anti-capitalist, non-hierarchical, non-discriminatory principles.
You are welcome to come to our meetings, for details see NEXT MEETING
Contact us on if you would like to know more, and be kept informed of progress.