Saturday, 3 September 2011

CALL FOR ARTISTS! Allotment Soup 2011: Sunday 23/10/11

CALL FOR ARTISTS! Allotment Soup 2011: Sunday 23/10/11

ALLOTMENT SOUP is an annual creative and artistic harvest celebration that takes place at a different Sheffield allotment site each year. The aim of the event is to celebrate food growing and allotment culture. Allotment Soup is a Grow Sheffield event.

This year’s Allotment Soup event will be held at the LEAF community allotment in Norwood on Sunday 23rd October. Allotment holders are invited to open up their plot to host an installation, artwork or event as part of Allotment Soup. Artists, performers, poets etc are encouraged to respond to the particular allotment in which they are working by creating new, original work in response to the site, theme and the season.

We will be holding two open days at the allotments for artists and other interested parties to come along and visit and explore the site, meet the growers and think about potential ideas and sites for work. These days are: Saturday 10th and Wednesday 14th September 12pm-4pm.

If you are interested in attending, exhibiting or collaborating please email Ruthie ( or Diane ( with your NAME, NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS. Please also email if you have any questions or cannot make the open days but would still like to visit the site. We will be sending out more information to those who have expressed an interest on Tuesday 6th September.

For more information about previous Allotment Soup events please see:

And to read about the amazing LEAF allotments please see:

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